Blog: Un(wanted) Memoirs




something remembered from the past; a recollection.

Welcome back to my blog, and thanks for reading it if you’ve been keeping up with me over the past two years of having this blog and website running. I’m sorry for all the inconsistencies in my writing and posting, but stuff happens and I think I am finally getting to accepting that. Anyways, let’s get on to the brain dump that will be this post, hopefully it hits home for someone.

So this has been something that I have been wanting to write about for a while. I feel like memories and life experiences really run my life and kind of shaped who I am today. Which I feel like is pretty normal for anyone really. We all have our own level of memory and different life experiences and those things run each of our lives in different ways, I guess I just want to talk about the funny situations that kind of bring up some of those memories. I want to talk about the good sides of remembering things and like the bad side too and how that kind of has been on my mind recently. I don’t know, as always this is gonna be like a casual talk rather than anything scientific. Sooo yeah.

Maybe over the past couple of months i’ve really caught myself getting lost in my thoughts, reminiscing, and remembering things from the past. Some good things, and some bad things. Most of the time I’m either sitting down eating dinner, working, or just laying around in bed when some random sense triggers my memory. I guess that feeling of getting bombarded by memories is what made me want to write about memory related things, it’s kind of hard to describe. I guess it’s kind of getting blindsided in a way. Like most recently I was driving in the rain, jamming out to music, when my brain just automatically remembered a scene of me and a past significant other chatting in my car in the rain. Which was definitely not something I really wanted to think about, especially while driving, but it’s just that off guard sense is odd.

It’s so odd, yet so interesting, and so brutal at times. Good memories and bad memories, bother triggered by the most mundane and everyday things. There are even times where I hate the way my brain thinks. I consistently, one way or another, find a way to remember something that I thought I had locked away deep inside. I remember the best of situations and the worst of situations and I hate that, but i don’t know, I don’t think I would want to change that. I don’t want to forget the bad situations you feel me.

Maybe it’s the worst of situations and the worst of memories that really shape a person. There’s some people that kind of run with the vibe that forgetting the bad is the way to go but I don’t really think that’s the best of ways to go. I mean, it’s at least not the way I can go even if I tried, my mind wouldn’t let me forget anyways. I’ve just always found it easier to learn from those bad situations and take away the “best” parts from it and allow those things to help in the future if they can. Like for example, past relationships, i’ll never forget them. Of course, my feelings change and all that but, you wouldn’t find me forgetting anything about those relationships because for me they’ve helped me learn more about myself and about what I want in the future. So you know, if you’re telling your partner to forget about their ex or something like that, think about how they feel. I don’t know, i’ve always felt that it’s easier to come to terms with something rather than up and forget things. I guess that relationship thing is probably a topic for another spiel post.

So yeah, that’s kind of the thought I got going on right now. If you wanna add anything, feel free to comment or hit me up on multiple social media platforms. Thanks for reading and making it this far. For a reward, you get a rough draft of prose that i’ll be trying to make a short little video around in the future. So thanks again and here, you go! Have a great day!


I remember

Vividly, by accident

Past years love turned to a Rom Com

Plastered to my temporal lobe

Aromas, flavors, destinations

Each reminiscent of past love

Memories of Spring time pinics 

Brought about by home made peanut butter sandwiches

Memory works in an interestingly frustrating way 

Servings me vivid memoirs at the worst of times

Creating cinematic masterpieces after one sip of coffee

Holding me hostage to past love and passion 

Only to cease when I need it the most 


Photography: Real to Surreal


Blog: An Update in the Ever-so Mundane Life of Mine