Blog: Old Habits

Hello again, I hope your day or night is going pretty good so far. As for me, I’ve been doing pretty alright and really been getting into my old habits. Of course, not all of the old habits that I have are healthy, but the ones that have been coming back to me have been healthy more or less.

I recently began to pick up guitar again, probably a good two weeks ago, and it has become one of the habits that has really been picking up my mood and making me happy throughout the day. To be honest, I didn’t think that It would have this good of an effect on my mood. I just wanted to play a song for my girlfriend, which would have been an interesting way to spend $250 dollars for only wanting to play one song. However, ever since I picked it back up, I haven’t been able to put it back down.

That’s also why I say that this old habit that I picked up is healthy, because it has kept me busy and kept me from falling into a lazy slump that seems to be so easy to fall into. So far i’ve learned a good five of my favorite songs in the past couple of weeks and I learned all of them all the way through. I even learned the lyrics to them and learned to “sing” along with the song that I am playing. I mean, i’m not the best singer ever, but it sounds pretty good with the guitar in the background. The one complaint I have is that playing guitar has taken a good amount of time away from my photo work, and I haven’t really wanted to go out and take photos, like I would rather play the guitar. I’m sure that i’ll soon be able to balance the two at some point.

So yeah, that’s how the past week has gone for me. How has your week gone? Let me know down below, and i’m down to talk to anyone that wants to have a conversation. Anyways, be sure to come back this time next week for another update to the ever mediocre life of Matthew Binamira Sanders. Peace Out!


Blog: Self Taught Procrastinator


Blog: New Beginnings